Several months ago we were being teased with promo items that included two cans of chips labeled with #2ChipsAreBetterThan1 as well as bottle of Hawaiian water. The reveal turned out to be two Hawaii-based GPUs on a single card. There are two 290X GPUs configured on this single card to be exact. This single card performs better than two 290Xs Crossfired.
This is the fastest single card +AMD Radeon GPU. I "accidentally” ordered one and decided to build a new PC around it.*
Each Hawaii XT GPU on this card has 4GB of RAM giving this card a total of 8GB DDR5 Memory with a 5000Mhz clock.
Right out of the box, this GPU supports a 5 monitor Eyefinity setup. I only have 3 monitors and am tempted to buy 2 more. I’m also ready for some 4K gaming as well.
I plan on both 3D gaming as well as multi-monitor gaming with this GPU. Who knows, maybe I can crossfire this in the future.
This XFX card features a factory-fitted closed loop liquid cooling system developed by Asetek. The card itself feels hefty with its all-metal construction. Even the shroud is metal.
Video of my “accidental” order
Surprise Delivery XFX R9 295X2
I got an XFX 280 R9, Great card, lifetime warranty and got BF4 for free. But that 295 is just sick.
+Redteam Rules the 280X is awesome as well.