TeamRed »

My official invite to visit +AMD HQ in Austin

My official invite to visit +AMD HQ in Austin

Benedict Corpuz June 4, 2014 1

My official invite to visit +AMD HQ in Austin. I'm being flown out to meet executives, engineers & Team Red+ It's gonna be a bunch of fun meeting the other team members IRL. #AMDHQ2014

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Can't wait to go home and play Murdered: Soul Suspect, one of the games featured…

Can't wait to go home and play Murdered: Soul Suspect, one of the games featured…

Benedict Corpuz June 3, 2014 0

Can't wait to go home and play Murdered: Soul Suspect, one of the games featured in AMD's Never Settle Forever program. Thanks +AMD and +Sam T #AMD #NeverSettleForever #TeamRed View this post on Google+

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AMD A10-7850k APU Build Step 8: Additional GPU Power

AMD A10-7850k APU Build Step 8: Additional GPU Power

Benedict Corpuz May 30, 2014 0

So far the system has run fine with the APU in normal tasks like browsing the web and using office programs. One could play games at low settings and lower framerates. I was able

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AMD A10-7850k APU Build Step 7: Sight and Sound

AMD A10-7850k APU Build Step 7: Sight and Sound

Benedict Corpuz May 12, 2014 0

For viewing, I got an Acer LED 21.5" IPS Monitor. This backlit LED display is super bright and has a native resolution of 1920 x 1080. It has a slim profile and very small

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