Has anyone tried this?
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I am Super Ben. I like to fly around the world for work and for fun. I nerd and geek out 24/7 via social media. Come follow along via Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, and Google+ before I get hand cancer from mobile phone overuse. I might be a kid pretending to be an adult.
No, but I wish I could try it now.
No but now I want to
I guess it's time to dust off the NES.
I need to know if this is for realsies.
Lot of people know about this ..dude!!
+Anna Mannino Realsies it is! 😛
+El Rey León this is the first I've seen of this and had to know. Thanks!
+Benedict Corpuz No problemo! I spent wayyyyyy toooo much time playing Super Mario… finally it paid off! 😀 hehehe..